Monday, November 3, 2008

Maila-Katriina Tuominen - Tervemenoa Afrikkaan! artikkelisi: "Tervetuloa Suomeen" perusteella sekä aiempien valheidesi, joita levität mm. aamulehdessä

Lehtineekeri Maila-Katriina Tuominen - Tervemenoa Afrikkaan! artikkelisi: " 3.11.2008 Tervetuloa Suomeen s. A 02" perusteella sekä aiempien valheidesi, joita levität mm. Aamulehdessä
Sopii ihmetellä minka "Saatanan" hyväksi maila-katriina tuominen toimii, kun ilmeisesti motiivinsa eivät ole samat kuin allaolevien amerikkalaisten babtistien?
Miksi Suomea ja suomalaisuutta pitää vihata?

God Hates Finland. About a hundred people attended the first Finnish homosexual demonstration march through the city. Helsinki Pride is the largest fag event in Finland, a summer full of nasty perverts and their supporters (read Fag Enablers) walking the streets of Doomed Finland. Over 10,000 took part in the filthy festivities, and 3,000 in the parade... YIKES! Put a big brown paper bag over your face and jump for cover!

USA:ssa näillä samoilla verkkosivut, joissa todetaan suoraan että Jumala vihaa Nigeriaa. Syykin selviää ko. sivustolta selkeästi:

God Hates Nigeria. According to, the age of consent is 13 years old in Nigeria for a boy to have sex with a girl – what is wrong with you nasty freaks? When you teach the youth of a generation that it is okay to fornicate by the time you hit 8th grade, you’ve got some serious problems – whoredoms, both spiritual, and as a consequence, physical. You taught the youth that God is a liar, saying that you can live any way you want, and you can be a pervert.

Sister Sites
The main web site of the most controversial church in the world – Westboro Baptist Church!
Brief, fascinating videos that offer Bible-based expositions of the message of WBC.
The Catholic Church: the largest, most well-funded and organized pedophile machine in history.
Builds the airtight case that america is not only cursed of God, but that this curse is irreversible.
Chronicles the worldwide street preaching ministry of Westboro Baptist Church!


Seppo Lehto europarlamenttiin

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